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Yarn is purchased from local merchants (US $7.50)
- Gives merchants income to continue their business
- Rent can be paid
- Families can be fed and children at home can be sent to school
Sweaters are knit by women and girls from Aschiana’s tailoring center at Aschiana’s main center (US $10)
- Women and girls earn income during the coldest and most difficult months of the year
- Ability to support the families during this time
- Self esteem for the women to do something useful for their families
Aschiana provides secure and warm environment where the sweater can be knit (US $2.50)
- Aschiana can support its main center
- Income is earned to continue literacy and vocational skill training
Brand new warm sweater is given to a poor child
- Self esteem at having a brand new sweater
- How can a child have a productive and normal life when he/she is cold?
- Ability to go to school as well as outside because the child is warm